Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Flinders' artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Flinders' artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
Flinders maps the islands and bays of Nuyts Archipelago. He names Point Brown, Point Westall and Cape Bauer in compliment to the naturalist and the two painters. The intense heat creates false horizons and hampers their explorations on foot. The expeditioners are running low on fresh water, but find none here.
Afghan thistle— Solanum hystrix
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—Australian Botanical Drawings 107, 11715
Western barred bandicoot—Perameles bougainville
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien—No. III, AfW-FLB0327
Southern pygmy leatherjacket—Brachaluteres baueri
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—993679902081_030, Plate 28
Blue swimmer crab—Portunus pelagicus
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—993679902081_049, Plate 39