Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Flinders' artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Flinders' artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
The crew sail down Eyre Peninsula to Cape Catastrophe. At dusk one evening the cutter goes missing with eight men onboard. A boat despatched at daybreak returns towing the wrecked cutter. Further searches fail to find the stricken shipmates. Unable to recover their bodies, Captain Flinders commemorates the drowned men. Among the victims are six volunteer seamen, the midshipman and his friend John Thistle, whose loss is keenly felt.
Dwarf hopbush—Dodonaea humilis
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—Australian Botanical Drawings 27, 3188
Port Lincoln, a distant view
Artist William Westall
National Library of Australia—138876426
Port Lincoln Parrot or Australian Ringneck— Platycercus zonarius
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—993679902081_022, Plate 20
Old wife or angelfish—Enoplosus armatus
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—993679902081_041, Plate 34
Commemorative plaque, Memory Cove
History Trust of South Australia—State History Collection, HT 1987.3057